Fabricio & Marie Paredes

Their Role
Since meeting Marie and Fabricio during the summer of 2017, they have played a vital role in our supply chain. As part owners and full time operators of the historic processing facility in Piñas, Ecuador, Marie and Fabricio process, grade, package, and ship all of our coffees.
At the processing facility, Fabricio operates three key machines that ensure all of our coffees are of the highest quality. The first machine separates any debris from the coffee in parchment before it is sent to the second machine, the peeler. The peeler removes the parchment or coffee cherry from the green coffee bean. The third and final machine sorts the coffee into three groups based on size. The larger beans are considered the highest quality. The first and second grades are put into 100lb bags, labeled and prepared for export. The lowest grade beans are used in Ecuador!
While the processing is being completed, Marie works with our freight forwarders and customs brokers in Ecuador and The States to complete all necessary paperwork. She has incredible organizational skills and a great understanding of Ecuadorian accounting requirements, which help facilitate exports.
Once all documents are in order and all coffees have been properly labeled and sealed, a container from the port of Guayaquil comes to the processing facility where we load all of the bags. From there, the container returns to the port of Guayaquil where it will embark on a journey over 5,000 miles away - Macon, Georgia!
Over the years, we have formed not only a great working relationship with Marie and Fabricio, but a great friendship as well. From exploring the beautiful city of Guayaquil to meeting Marie’s father, who started the processing facility over 80 years ago, we have created memories that will be with us for a lifetime. We are grateful to have them as part of the Z Beans family, and we look forward to many more successful imports in the years ahead!